Sunday 13 September 2009


So Autumn is here there's no doubt, and as our friend the Sartorialist has noticed, as well many a men's fashion editor that its that funny time between being warm and cold. We're digging out the light knit pieces, think cardigans, simple thin cashmeres and grey hooded tops over tee's. Can our beloved espadrilles make it a week or two longer...feet in socks just feels so wintery.

Our favorite piece has to be a cashmere hooded top from Marc Jacobs, one the most discreet luxury items around and a godsend for any flight with an over-enthusiastic captain who insists the aircon be colder than the Arctic! Ours is a cheeky freebie from the mainline collection...with a price tag more than most people's monthly salary we'll stick to the Marc by Marc Jacobs variety next time we need to actually buy one


Eat me!

The Established Man has just returned from a rare weekend in the country...hidden away amongst the rolling hills of Sussex. Ok there was an illegal rave on the Estate bordering The Established Man's country getaway, we weren't bothered had it not been for their appalling taste in music.

But one discovery that had us whipping on a pair of wellies and a couple of terries quicker than an illegal raver to a stash of cannabis was this seasons crop of blackberries. No, not the small communications device that makes every waking hour of our day a living hell, but the fruit variety that makes dreamy crumbles and warming jams. Our freezer is stocked. Let the crumbles commence.


We're back...after something of an absence. Put it down to exhaustion across the board...we've overdosed on Festival frivolities...The Great Escape, Glastonbury, Lovebox and Reading, our Hunter wellington boots have sprung a leak as a result! Add to that a lot of time spent in airports en route to here, there and bloody everywhere it seems. But its September time and like an inverted wild animal we're out of our summer hibernation just as Miss. Tiggywinkle and her fluffy friends chez Madame Potter go into hibernation. Bon Nuit little friends.

As the tendrils of Autumn reach ever further, growing thicker and thicker London town has woken up from its summer siesta. The children are back at are their mothers who seem to drive an armada of tanks bigger than the year before, we rather liked the discussions on the Today programme on Radio 4 last week about school pressures and a particular purple protractor belonging to Arabella Weir's daughter... a purple protractor? We never had such coloured mathematical hardware back in the day.

So expect a bevvy of posts to come...every gallery worth their weight in white spaciousness seems to have had an opening from the East to the West and the fashion set have flown the flag just as high with a grand night out last week in honor of fashion night out. This week sees the fashion pack arrive in London and give it a month and it will be time for Frieze Art Fair..crazy times...but we think that in between these two mega events there might well be time for a little trip to LaLa land? Who knows.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

We're walking in the air

With the The Established Man offices on a skeleton staff back here in London town us mere mortals that have not gone to front-row it up in Milano or hopped in the Land Rover to Glastonbury to pimp it up backstage are busying themselves with thinking about summer holidays and thankfully our turn to leave our desks falls in a month's time as we pop over to New York for a while. And whilst we're not quite sure we can bear the extreme heat and humidity the newly opened High Line is the place to chill in between lunch at Pastis and a visit to some Chelsea Galleries. Its our favorite new spot downtown what with Beatrice Inn closing suddenly....

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Our Man in Milan - A grey day

The clouds might have been blue over Milan yesterday but at Prada it looked like a downpour was brewing. Grey, grey and more grey dominated the catwalk. Not overly inspiring for a summer wardrobe but a key colour for Spring Summer 2010. Word of advice break it up with some colour or patterns like our Miuccia.

Our man in Milan - Day 2

We do love a Bottega show here at The Established Man and as your man in Milan I am more than happy to frolic front row at such an occasion, Herald Tribune in one hand, blackberry in the other. Its not a bad life. Hell, the music desk at The Established Man towers are off to Glastonbury soon and I shall be Paris whilst they are knee deep in mud begging for a helicopter airlift outta there. Each to there own but as 'Our Man in Milan' I am here for some fashion forward, not camping in some old manky tent I last used when I was thirteen.

So back to Bottega, much more my sort of thing, Tomas Maier is always right on track and the show opened with the sort of wares one might take on a holiday to Kenya, deep greens and crumpled khakis hinted to a modern-day safari man, and then went a little Ibiza circa before the chavs moved in so whip out the tie-dye. This wouldn't be a Bottega show without some fine suiting and this must be the boys equivalent of Balmain in the shoulder department as Maier was obviously tuning our eyes onto the below the neck region; not in an eighties power-ballad kind of way though, more a subtle futuristic twist. Scarlett was the colour of choice and with exotic florals and a finale of denim's and deep blue tuxedos Maier seemed to go all over the world on a magical mystery tour with this collection. Wherever next?!

Sunday 21 June 2009

Glastonbury Wheels

This is what we thought might do the job for Glasto should things get considerably muddy....cue a call to Land Rover!

Our man in Milan | "Roll up Roll Up!"

No we're not talking about all the fun of the fair despite a penchant for a circus or two here at The Established Man. No no, the Milanese wouldn't know what a fairground was even if a spinning teacup hit them in the face. The only rolling up being done here would seem to be backstage at a plethora of men's shows, we've seen many a trouser rolled up for Spring Summer 2010 and its only day 1 of our Milan escapades.

We particularly like CP Company's take on how to rock a rolled trouser...take note.

Glastonbury countdown

'In two minds', was how the office responded to the offer of an outing to this year's Glastonbury. After enduring Bestival last year and it's near warzone-like experience...think car parks that look like 100 tanks had rolled through and a campsite that resembled living hell on was not high on The Established Man's list of priorities to endure an exact replica but only four-hundred times worse and with just as many more festival goers. But what with a stellar line-up and sun predicted for Somerset we're already itching to hit the road and peace out for four days.

But what to pack, what to wear, what drive there in, what to see? All these questions! How to keep every technical device we rely on powered up? The dilemmas! Well we're packing our bags with a very basic kits...Levi's and uniqlo skinny jeans, a pair of hunters, a gap kids age twelve kagool, some Marc Jacobs tee shirts, the Barbour and a pair of espadrilles should do it, maybe a pair of city shorts should the sun shine will be our Glasto unform.

Top of our lists to see, Blur, Fleet Foxes and Dizzee Rascal so far...

More to come soon from the Glastonbury crew

Our man in Milan

The month of June should be fashion downtime for The Established Man fashion desk, we thought we were off to Antibes for a bit of beach time as we were thrust onto the Easyjet flight to Milan, hey the days of first class on BA are officially ovah! But its good to be back in Milan and there is nothing better than jumping two seasons and perusing what we'll be wearing next Summer. So what's to be had, get pre-ordering gents as we're certain the waiting lists will be worse than a queue at LIDL.

We kicked off proceedings with home grown talent and Burberry Prorsum, always a winner at The Established Man towers, we were pondering how Christopher Bailey would triumph over his last collection for Spring Summer 09 what with those silky knits and 'in the garden crumpled macs' in earthy mustard's and aubergines. For Spring Summer 2010 Bailey's left tending to the borders in his glorious gardens and packed up the Land Rover and actually headed for the Borders it would seem. Things have got a whole lot more utilitarian to say the least. So cue lots of pocketing, strap details, wax cotton canvas jackets and the obligatory rucksack. Padded jackets whisked down the runway in a multitude of traditional styles thinking we might have to upgrade our Barbour versions pretty swiftly! There were wonderful moments that bore reminiscence to childhood, the bright red raincoats and pale blue jackets had us thinking the Burberry Design team had gotten a hold of our holiday snaps from 1983. Obviously this being a Prorsum show things sharpened up with suiting and mac's in lightweight lux threads in navy, grey, and beige's. There's always plenty of fine knitwear to be had too and in off-white's, greys and pastels summer 2010 is already shaping up to be the perfect English summer if Burberry has anything to do with it.


Oh its been a long, we've been hiding away, what with Venice Biennial, Basel and trips here and there The Established Man offices have been a ghostown; tumbleweed included! But we're back, and glad to be back after a rather prolonged period of MIA. So what's on the menu, well with an appetiser of the men's shows in from our man in Milan and a main course of some Glastonbury loving, this week is going to have us hitting the ground running! And who will win Wimbledon, we've already got a punnet of strawberrys, two pints of extra thick double cream and some Ralph Lauren Wimbledon kit here to hand so we can recreate the fun here at The Established Man towers! Oh er we always wanted to be ball boys!

Its good to be back!

Sunday 10 May 2009

We're back

Where we went we don't quite know..put it down to a chaotic Easter and a need to hibernate but The Established Man team have returned and the office as fresh as a Spring Day...with summer on the way the diaries are filling up, our passports are clutched, ready and waiting, for a flight to who knows where and of course all our top tips will be carefully filtered and placed on The Established Man blog.

This week we're all over the country...Monday in Manchester..Tuesday in London town and then the end of the week we travel to Brighton for some seaside action and The Great Escape Festival, check in here for constant updates on our journeys and what bands you really need to check out from the moshpits of Brighton's venues...we're sure we're getting to old for this sort of antics but for as long as those skinny jeans fit we're there.

Saturday 11 April 2009

Happy Happy Easter

Wishing all our readers an Egg-filled-frenzy of an Easter. Have a blooming day!

Thursday 2 April 2009

Whatever next

Uniqlo just keep those winners a-coming. Only last week we reported Jil Sander was taking a creative role within the company, previewing in the Autumn/Winter collection later this year and when we swooped by the Oxford Street store this afternoon we see those mischievous boys and girls at Opening Ceremony, one of our top New York shopping establishments, have been having a little Japanese too, so much so that they've produced a collection with who else but Uniqlo.

Think psychedelic plaids with a hint of the washed out nu-rave about them and some overall well-thought out touches in the pockets, patches and overall feel of the collection. We particularly liked the black rolled up at the cuff khakis and there's some good suiting to be had. With the days of 'everything half-price' trips to NYC thank the Lord we can indulge in some fine garments that won't break the bank.

Music makes the world go round

So what's spinning in The Established Man jukebox this week....

We're loving Ebony Bones....The Muzik is our favorite track, with the high pitched eeks, buzzy beats, our feet have been tapping like the cast of Riverdance on speed.

Watch out for these guys on the Summer Festival ciruit..a guaranteeed track to get the crowds moving.

Princi Charming

With London town being in a state of high alert the past few days its been a necessary thing to have a place of sanctuary. If its not the Obama's passing through Mayfair....a wait of half an hour in the cab..thanks very much....then its Sarah Brown in Covent Garden....stranded in a cafe for an hour....then there's the protesters who seem to have a rather nasty knack of hurling themselves at fast-moving traffic as The Established Man team collided head on with on yesterday duly displayed.

So with all these road-blocks, delays for passing dignitaries and heightened tensions we have spent the past three days in a row at our new favorite bakery and espresso spot Princi in the heart of Soho. Yes it might be full of media and advertising types at the peak of lunchtime but avoid that and the airy space, friendly and plentiful staff and delicious food will have you salivating like a dog on heat. We love the pistachio mouse cake, the salads, the American themed slice of, well, everything naughty! And to top it all its amazingly good value and open practically morning, noon and night. London's patisserie scene got a whole lot more nuclear.

Princi, 135 Wardour Street, W1F 0UT

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Mind the Gap

Those Monday nights still appear to continue to be anything but sacred it would seem. We had a night in planned with a classic Almodovar flick and some rather nifty Gap jimjams that should never be worn in daylight for fear of causing a major traffic pile-up but it was sod's law that our friends at Gap held a presentation of their Autumn Winter collection last night and we just couldn't resist a little nose to see what Patrick Robinson, their Creative Director, had been up to in the scented surroundings of the Flower Market in Covent Garden.

On first glance we thought he'd been still popping those lumberjack pills as with previous season what with those heavy knits in a host of rural-rugged patterns, a dark green plaid shirt and boots...big boots teamed with thick socks underneath, you almost need a moose in the garden and a clapped-out out Cheverolet Pick-up truck to complete this look. But it got a lot less rural and all the more urban, the tones got darker, the tailoring sharper and those boots became more subtle. A very nifty black leather jacket caught our eye...nothing like an investment piece during trouble & strife...there was also plenty of the 'DD' look that might well be back..that's Double Denim to those who aren't jean addicts. Then there were some fine winter coats being paraded about like a dressage horse strutting its stuff. A long black affair with detailing on the cuffs and all the time layered under more outerwear so cue leather and denim jackets under the more heavier coats.

After the winter we're emerging from those folks at Gap are certainly going to keep us suitably warm for the next one.

Monday 23 March 2009

Yeah Baby

What are we listening too right now????

The new Yeah Yeah Yeah's track is today's melody of the moment, with Karen O's tones and some tip top backing we just can't help but tap or feet or dance like Turkey before private of course...

Sunday 22 March 2009

Poor Form

It was with a sad face that our loyal steed for such Man about town action suffered some coughs and splutters at the beginning of the year, yes The Established Man Vespa, fondly known as Grand Tabitha had a little set back and was off the road for quite some time. We left her on the pavement hidden away whilst the Kenyan bush kept us occupied and she still has not forgiven us!

A mere youth in her scooter years she refused to start and had a loose wire and a funny this and that when the breakdown expert arrived on the scene. All this was within a frisson of being serviced previously by London scooter garage BMG who royally rippped us off when we sent our GT in for a service. Now in true style we penned a powerful letter in outrage at their uselessness and surprise surprise no reply! So two-wheeled riders beware the only thing BMG stands for is Bloody Money Grabbers!

Bon Maman

We've gone all rural here at The Established Man HQ and decamped to the country for a few days. However not before sending all our Mum's some love and no we do not mean the advert heavy magazine of the moment! Thanks to our great friends at Laduree at Harrods for their last minute fabulousness! With their pastel pretty macaroons to entice us like a bunch of salivating Alsations we're sure our Ma's are loving those rose, praline, passionfruit, pistachios mini-feasts like a child at the Pick and Mix before Woolworths closed its doors forever....

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Hey Big Spender

As we do every afternoon Monday here at The Established Man Towers, yesterday we rifled through the invitations for the coming week and sorted through the social diary, carefully plotting our course across London of an eve whilst trying to spend some time in our homes. Last night there were several options that were laid out on the boardroom table, we told you these Monday nights are no longer sacred. Had Air-Force Established Man been waiting at Northolt we'd have popped to New York for a party at Barneys in honor of Burberry and Christopher Bailey but this being pressing times we've cancelled our Netjets membership and swapped it for a Vintage Pashley bicycle, the savings we're making are enough to take breakfast at The Wolesely for the rest of our lives!

No last night was a London soiree with a dashing of Italian glamour to spice things up. Now we were far to young to have been invited Chez Gianni Versace during his reign in the Eighties hence why we never made it to his pad in Lake Como. We thought it only right we make up for it and pop along to an exclusive preview at Sotheby's on New Bond Street where much of Versace's posessions including art, furniture and collectables will go under the hammer on Wednesday. Those aproned Sotheby's specialists have taken great time to reassemble the objets as they were in that Lakeside mansion, hell its not like they've been busy of late so we're sure they relished the opportunity!

If such things as a pair of life size plaster-cast nude wrestlers, a bargain at $29,500-$50,000 estimate or some gilded bookcases belonging to a 17th Century Princess are on your shopping list then you better get bidding.

The Return of Jil

Jubilation amongst The Established Man team this morning, since her departure from fashion and her own label in 2004, a rather messy one with Prada....we've rather missed Jil Sander and now the perfect pairing has been confirmed, Jil Sander will act as Creative Director for our favorite high street store Uniqlo with her first collection debuting this Autumn. Bring it on we say!

Saturday 14 March 2009

The Ripest Berries

Burberry Brown Leather Bag

Mulberry Taylor Tote

Mulberry Eliot

All this talk of credit-crunch, recession, failing stocks and shares, Madoff and Stanford-esque cons, looming mass unemployment and doom in the retail sector has created a less than perky Spring season so far. It's certainly clear that there's something serious going on when the Financial Ministers of the world's G20 countries gather to discuss the issues and choose to meet in the small, suburban commuter town of Horsham in West Sussex. Their pockets have been clearly hit as badly as the British public if they're having to endure what must be one of the most boring and uninteresting places in the country; yawn-inducing doesn't do Horsham justice, it's as grey as the paintwork on a sea-worthy Naval vessel. Sadly for certain members of The Established Man Office it features on their Friday night train journey to the more rural and charming areas of West Sussex, thank God for ES Magazine to distract one from the monstrous commuter belt territories!

But this got us all thinking on the fashion desk at Established Man Towers yesterday afternoon, what might all these ministers be carrying their expensive suits in? Luggage is a serious issues for us frequent fliers and if its not the great spaces in Terminal 5 we're traversing then let it be that fortnightly trip to the country for some quality hermit time. In the past old favorites have been Longchamp, a huge navy weekend bag that thankfully bears little resemblance to those Longchamp bags certain echelons of the Sloane community like to patronise. The other option is an iconic Paul Smith weekend bag, perfect for hand-luggage on those well-known budget airlines us peasantry's travel by...Ryanair anyone? With it's heavy canvas printed livery of old suitcases one might unearth in a Brocante in Provence it almost tells its own story of discovery after finding it under a pile of clothes at New York store Takashimaya for a minute sum...we do love a bargain. Along with that we're a big fan of the Tote Bag and there's nothing like a goody bag that we can use and use again, thank you Frieze Art Fair for those Jack Spade bags way back in year dot, they're still going strong, unlike the truffles contained within!

So bag options aplenty but what with constant office gallivanting both on the domestic and international front our luggage options Chez The Established Man are looking a little tatty around the edges and its got us thinking about what might fulfil our Summer travels whilst being a good investment, we must do those G20 ministers proud down in delightful Horsham, obscene spending will be frowned upon and this must be an 'investment piece'. Thankfully such dilemmas can be solved on home turf...phew...for a moment there we thought we might have to decamp to Paris and a trip to Goyard! But no, our favorite kind of Berries have some freshly picked varieties and we're ready to gorge on them like an overweight child at a pick-your own on the finest of summers day.

Burberry aren't synonymous with their men's accessories when it comes to large bags but good old Christopher Bailey, he's not old at all we just mean we can rely on him for good things constantly, has come up with a small capsule collection of fine car-boot candy for the stylish gentleman traveller. We were drooling after the Spring Summer 09 Prorsum collection only the other day in the Bond Street Store, inspired by the garden and currently plastered across every magazine in Mario Testino's shoot at Petersham Nurseries and we think the Brown Leather Bag is the perfect match yet will last until eternity and surely get better and better with age like a fine wine, it's Dairy Milk shade of brown will never appear ostentatious and would be as happy in the melee of Mumbai to the manicured boulevards of Monaco. Other options feature the infamous Burberry check in an over sized sort of way, much like those over sized plaids for A/W09 we love and what with the revival of the Burberry house check at the Prorsum show in Milan last month snap up one of these and you'll be right on trend before the trend even hits.

Bin those Goji berries, enough of the super anti-oxidant properties of the Acai berry and do just shut up about the power of Blueberries. There's only one other berry we want right now along with a bowl full of Burberries and that's the Mulberry. Another great British brand, the arm-candy of many a stylish yet understated female and also a loyal male following for its men's bag options. With the departure of former Creative Director Stuart Vevers to Loewe a while back we were unsure the success of this very English setup would continue to roll on like a hamster in a cage. Of course Mulberry came up trumps and carefully placed accessories superstar Emma Hill in our Stu's position and hasn't the girl done good. In the old days the usual cravings at about 3pm in The Established Man offices would be for a chocolate hobnob, a Hummingbird Bakery red-velvet cake if we were feeling really greedy, a slice that is..not an entire cake! However with the gymkhana of men's accessories to check out on the Mulberry Website we now get a daily dosage to curb our lustings for a Mulberry Green Taylor tote, with its casual undertones, nothing like a bit of the grass-green and some fine leather there just for good measure this is one way to splurge like a fashionista yet appear like a recessionista and carry all that crap in some seriously stylish get-up. For those who need a little more of the enclosed feel then meet Eliot. No No not the bloke to sort out the boiler..that's Derrick, no our mate Eliot is another fine choice for some airport action. We love the woven canvas handles paired with leather and that Navy Blue colour way has Biarritz written all over it, understated glamourama, nothing we like more here. We better get saving for some serious manbag spending.

Wednesday 11 March 2009


Aston Martin DBS Volante


Audi A4 Allroad

New VW polo

Alfa Romeo Mito GTA

A trip to Geneva is not on our list of regular routes. Unlike New York, Paris, Berlin and Milan to name but a few there's just not much to tempt us there. Perhaps if we had a Swiss bank account as opposed to an imaginary one and the need to stock up on rare Swiss timepieces we might be there more often, but the only item we can really afford to enjoy there is the finest Swiss Chocolate, not a bad thing to purchase but there's little need to jump on a flight all the way when one can walk to the local Sainsbury's and purchase as much Milka delights as you can carry and even guzzle down a few of those purple bars whilst browsing the isles.

We'd forgotten here at The Established Man Towers that Geneva is the place to be at this time of year for the world's motoring minds convene to swoon over new models, both cars and women... and swap car-chit-chat, we like to call it chitty-chatty-bang-bang! Just beware replacing the C with an S in that little rhyme and you've a very different statement!

Arriving in Switzerland amid Geneva and its great lake it was easy for one to forget the fact that the motor industry is in meltdown worldwide and our expectations for the Geneva Motor show were dismal to say the least. We've been offered so many press loan cars over the course of this year we were wondering if car manufacturers had run out of space to keep all these cars and were palming them off onto us...we'll take a Range Rover Vogue TDV8, a Mini Cooper S convertible and an Audi RS4 thank you very much! But walking into the great halls of Motorville things seemed to be ticking along and whilst there weren't a huge number of exciting, wacky, 'never going to be made' concept cars there were vehicles to keep the motoring public happy and perhaps swoon over.

Audi's an office favorite here and there was a lot of excitement over the new Audi TT RS. After the success of the RS4 and RS6, in Avant form is the best we'll have you know, this pocket rocket has a lot to prove and we're chomping at the bit like a racehorse at Cheltenham to get in one and take it for a drive. We love the styling with its aggressive grill, led running lights and silver wing mirrors. Add to that a 2.5 litre turbocharged FSI engine producing 340 horsepower and this is car nirvana! Of course this being Audi expect quattro, so handling one can only dream of. Order one NOW!

On the subject of Audi and it's quattro technology we were impressed by the new A4 Allroad, a smaller sister to the Allroad based on the A6 Avant. Perfect for those whom might have a weekend retreat yet inhabit a more urban pasture during the week and don't want a full on off-roader. If it's anything like the bigger Allroad then this might just be the perfect car to get all those Battersea mothers out of their gas-guzzling BMW X5's and Mercedes M-Classes and realise how much of an easier city life it is with one of can actually park them for a start! If Audi take the plunge and launch this in the it Audi do it..go on...then they might just get the American public out of their Hummers and into their Audis.

City cars are something we monitor very closely here, since the birth of the Mini, Audi A2 and Mercerdes A-class the sector has gotten plusher and plusher over the years with people downgrading yet not willing to lose the gizmo's and luxury of big plush saloon cars. Volkswagen debuted its new Polo, the size of the Mark II Golf we must hasten to add, and its hard to spot the different between it face on and the just released new Golf. It's a smart car though and no doubt people in London postcodes commencing with an SW will be clawing each others eye's out for one and University car parks ("Daddy please") in St. Andrews, Bristol, Newcastle and Edinburgh will be awash with them in Navy Blue Black and silver..need we say any more!

For those who want something a little more fiery and unpredictable then until the Polo Gti emerges and we get the chance to drive the thing put your money into an Alfa. Italian's can be tricky and Alfa-Romeos are not spared from this statement but their new Mini-eating Mito is hot on the heels of the Mini Cooper S in its GTA form...with yet more aggressive styling, big spoilers and a 240 bhp 1.8 litre engine this will get you around the streets of Milan quicker than Concord with a stick of dynamite up its arse. For a gentler pace there's always Fiat for the beach car of the year. Yes the Fiat 500 is becoming as commonplace on the streets of London town as the Mini and the summer heralds the launch of the 500c, a sort of halfway house to being a convertible, with a retracting fabric roof that sits on the back of the car like ramblers rucksack we think that the Cote D'Azur will be awash with them, small enough to actually park on one's yacht don't you know!

After all this meandering around the stands and the deluge of brochures, goody bags and models cavorting with cars, we mean young women paid to pose by the was time to return to London town in the realisation that the time has come for everyone to perhaps trade down as opposed to up but still enjoy motoring from time to time..Aston Martin DBS convertible anyone?

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Eau de Fantastic

We're partial to a flick through many a men's style biannual; the now defunct Arena Homme, GQ Style, Man About Town, Another Man to name a doubt there's plenty more hiding in the wings somewhere but its the one that does what it says on the tin, much like that of a tin of Baked Beans, that pleases us and has us leafing through with intrigue the most. Yes Fantastic Man, the Dutch based style bible with a cultural edge established by Jop Van Bennkom and Gert Jonkers a while back has been something of a collectable. If its not profiling Rupert Everett then its Tom Ford or perhaps Helmet Lang shot on his Hampton's Farm with the chickens. Thank the Lord for this different and more intelligent take on men's style and substance.

One would think that Jop and Gert had their hands full compiling quite such a book every six months but nothing seems to be beyond their reach and finally we can all actually smell Fantastic. A cheeky collaboration between Byredo Parfums and the original concept store in ever-chic Paris, Colette, has resulted in Fantastic Man having its own cologne. With hints of Bergamont, Caradmon, Star-Aniseed and Patchouli someone really has been sniffing around to create the perfect mix.

So who would've thought, now when someone asks the common question posed to many an Established Man staffer, "What are you wearing?" in reference to whatever Eau de Cologne one might have had a quick spritz of, the answer can simply be "Fantastic".

Monday 9 March 2009

Culture Vulture

Rebecca Warren
'Loulou' 2006
Courtesy Matthew Marks Gallery, New York and Maureen Paley, London.

Carla Borel
'Even a Stopped Clock Tells the Right time twice a day' 2005

Back in the day it was a certainty that a Monday evening would be a definite night in for The Established Man staff. We'd all be sent home at a reasonable hour, turning off the Apple Macs before 6pm and saunter home with a distinct amount of glee across our faces knowing that one might able to catch up with close friends Ben & Jerry and any developments on the product portfolio in Vermont...Oatmeal Cookie Dough and Peanut Buttercup being office favorites. But alas no such luck has prevailed so far for 2009. What with fashion weeks galore, if we've not been in Milan then we've been in Paris and if its not been New York then its been here on home-turf... heavens knows why its called 'home-turf' as home barely featured during a packed out London Fashion Week. Thankfully the fashion pack are in Paris for the women's shows and London has returned to a vague sea of calm. Or at least we thought so, but then the invites continued to fly through the letterbox like something out of a scene of Bedknobs & Broomsticks and to our horror those sacred moments of utter Hermit-dom...a Monday night...are not spared.

So it was with a slight amount of huffing and puffing this evening, think schoolboy not actually wanting to go to school, that we boarded the loyal steed that is the office Vespa and took to the streets of London town as we seem to do every evening after a day in office. However tonight it was with a cultural air that The Established Man traversed the streets. Our first stop being the much-anticipated show at The Serpentine Gallery by British artist Rebecca Warren. As part of the YBA generation its no surprise to read that Warren is Goldsmith's educated, a Turner Prize nominee in 2006 and Saatchi was, and might still be, a protagonist. It was at the former Saatchi Gallery in County Hall that we really came to look at Warren's work in closer detail and found it hard to absorb; her reworkings and misappropriations of works by artists who are known for their figurative sculptures such as Degas and Rodin are harsh, aggressive forms that are only exaggerated further by the lack of them being fired in a kiln, suggesting that they might change and a sense of the process being somehow unfinished.

On the other hand there are Warren's vitrine works which are a totally separate entity in relation to the clay pieces. Here are carefully assembled wall works that contain detritus from in and around Warren's studio. It appeals to the inner hoarder and one questions the relevance of each object and its particular placement within these boxes. Seeing them juxtaposed with the works on plinths makes for a very different interaction with Warren's practice and after catching up with the art world fresh in from The Armory and dodging the bank of photographers gathered in the gallery spaces this is a show definitely worth seeing.

Now for most people that would be quite enough for a Monday evening and rest assured we were lusting for mushroom and rosemary risotto and a holey cashmere sweater but this was not the end. A brief ride through Mayfair, a nod to Sean on the door at Scott' of our favorite lunching establishments....and through the backstreets of Soho to the infamous French House for an exhibition of works by photographer Carla Borel. This colourful area of London is in Borel's blood and her series of intimate Black and White portraits of 'writers, flanneurs and bon viveurs' as she puts it displays a distinct affection towards her subjects. It only seems fitting that an exhibition reliant upon strange and tender encounters be held in such a venerable Soho establishment...a former workplace of Borel's. With their filmic quality and Borel's wonderful take on life this really is a very special show and this young lady is set to go far.

Rebecca Warren
The Serpentine Gallery
10 March - 19 April 2009

Photographs by Carla Borel
10 March - 5 May 2009
French House, 49 Dean Street, London, W1D 5BG

Friday 27 February 2009

Double Trouble

Whilst Auntie Ethel might well have given you that organic honey which has been easing us through manflu from her visit to the Chatsworth Farmshop with the Tunbridge Wells Women's Institute last year its our favorite Auntie Miuccia from Milan that has been a busier girl.

We've been a fan of The Double Club since its inception and last week was no exception, it was the Fashion Week fave to host an A-list event, last Friday Chloë Sevigny and those lovely boys and girls from Opening Cermony hosted a dinner and a preview of our Chloë's latest designs for the infamous New York shopping nirvana and then if that wasn't enough care of London's Richard Mortimer...he of the now defunct Boombox and Ponystep...Ms. Sevigny took to the decks on that revolving dance floor and kept us dancing the night away under the neon palm tree...Good Job!

Hot on the heels of that came a gilded invitation from our friends at Another Magazine who hosted a dinner of A-listers...think Tilda, Kate, Daphne, Kanye...they were all there and it gave us the perfect chance to admire Carston Holler's work..he of the slides Chez Tate Modern which Auntie Miuccia now has in her Auntie eh....anyway back to Mr. Holler and his fantastic tiling, we imagined being at the bottom of a vast swimming pool in the Congo..the country for which this London Pop-up institution is inspired by.

Get in there whilst you the best things in life it's not forever.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Manflu Alert!

Urgh the timing couldn't have been worse..the one week when London is awash with everyone and everything should ignite a strain of the worst manflu known to hit the offices of The Established Man in recent history; we've run out of paperweights such are the effects of the heavy amount of sneezing going on! 

What to do in a situation such as this, try to carry on, but this evening it reached its limits and after a quick jaunt on the office Vespa...fresh air unblocks the nose beautifully..... the time has come to settle in for a night week parties and dinners can wait...ooh how we were itching to attend the PUMA dinner at the Design Museum. But hey ho, its not the end of the world. Now it's time for downtime and recuperation. 

So what are the stylish ways to survive the perils of manflu? Plentiful blankets and good bedding are crucial, we've just had a bit of a splurge at the middle-class housewives favorite Cath Kidston; no we're not having babies anytime soon! But go beyond the spots and florals and there are treasures to be had. We snapped up a Cowboy set of sheets, almost as soft at Frette sheets we'll have you know...and then we snapped up a Welsh Blanket to hibernate in. Bedding done, DVD's are crucial too and we're having a 'back in the day' moment here at The Established Man Towers at the moment...think vintage Disney and you're on it...we're loving a trip down memory lane, there is nothing like a bit of Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book to dispel February gloom and runny noses.

Whack the kettle on, slice some lemon, grate some ginger, get that organic honey Auntie Ethel gave you last Christmas, put it in a mug and pour the hot water over it to infuse..add whiskey if you've the luxury of not needing to drive anywhere and that should ease the pain in the arse that is manflu!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Our Man in Paris & Milan

My oh my we’re in a fashion week overdose here at The Established Man, the office resembles an archivists bureau, not touched since 1974, such is the pile of papers to be sorted, and let’s not even begin on the backlog of letters and emails to reply to…why is it that the entrée to the year must always be so chaotic. Yes Sir, fashion season kicked off in grand style last month with the men’s shows in Milan swiftly followed by Paris tickling those male taste-buds.

Boarding the flight to Milan we expected a swathe of depression and glum looks from the front to the back rows, and let’s not even discuss the standing row! Thank golly gosh such fears were quashed within a few hours of show to show on the first day. Optimism reigns supreme in the fashion world at the moment and whilst not wanting to appear like some crazed banshees we avoided temptations to start a standing ovation and cries of “Bravo” at certain shows despite the reactive nature they ignited within.

So what’s on the horizon for next season, Autumn/Winter 2009/2010? No surprise to see an abundance of outerwear. If the teeth-clatteringly chilly winter we’re slowly coming out of is anything to go by, cue deep snow and icy pavements. Never easy to make a style statement in such climes…then we’re all going to need to wrap it up a little more and we’re not talking electric blankets here, although The Established Man team must profess a dark dark secret to owning one. No, no outerwear for the next round of winter months is oversized, undoubtedly to accommodate all that layering that’s going to be going on. The big winter coat is something of a staple for fashion houses and retailers alike and next season will be awash with plenty to peruse. From big black precision cut leather overcoats at Prada to deep pile Fur jackets resting on shoulders, crook-stylee at McQueen it appeared as if a modern-day armour for the modern-day man was emerging. Adam Kimmel drafted in all his trendy, arty New York hipster friends to model his latest collection of reversible coats that morphed into further separates of there own accord due to concealed engineering…cheeky Mr. Kimmel!

As the coats got bigger so did those lapels and the catwalks of Prada, Dries Van Noten and Yves Saint Laurent were awash with big lapels signalling a loosening of the very skinny silhouette that us fashion editors and shoppers across the land alike had become used to. A very clear conveyance that things were drooping came at Dior Homme, this is where skinny began with Heidi Slimane yet this season under the creative eyes of Kris Van Assche MC Pants paraded down the runways making it all the bit more ghetto fabulous.

Expect next Autumn/Winter 2009 to be a light show extravaganza in the illuminated wardrobes of fashionable gents across the land. There was plenty a gem-like colour to brighten up one’s day. Cue ruby suits at Lanvin, yellow trousers at Paul Smith, fuchsia pinks and cobalt blue undertones at Gucci, neon pink velvet tuxedos at Dolce & Gabbana and shaggy green cashmere pulls at Marni. You might well need to keep those Ray-Bans on even if it is -20° outside and pitch black.

The colour thing wasn’t just reserved to large blocks of statement carried on over into the finer details too, look out for many a contrasting trim, cue folded lapels in blood reds juxtaposed on a slim-fitting black double-breasted pea-coat at Burberry Prorsum, oversized plaids sneaked a peak at Missoni on their looser fitting pea coats; whilst over at Raf Simons the use of colour on particular panels was utilised in a more conceptual manner, playing with the shape of the body and redefining it through the medium of “Nelly the elephant” pinks and a blue one might see on a neoprene wetsuit in a Jaws movie, tricking the eyes interpretation of shape.

Having said all that there was still a swathe of black, black and more black on the runways this season. Goth’s rejoice! Its no surprise during such a severe economic downtown as the one we’re neck-deep in that fashion houses should appear more regal and stick to simple; black is the colour that defines it. Prada’s show in a weird carpeted pit started off like a boardroom of CEO’s had accidentally ended up in front of the world’s fashion press but it wasn’t long until the Prada undercurrent kicked in with laser-cut leather pieces and studded jackets, shirts and shoes giving it the edge. Dolce & Gabbana’s show was equally as black with a distinct nod to the Rat Pack and many a cinematic reference point, a flat cap signalling trouble and strife. Christopher Bailey’s collection for Burberry Prorsum was monochromatic-fest referencing the work of Photographer Bill Brandt whose images documented a Britain in depression during the post-war years. Yet more caps, snoods, a return of the Burberry house check…chav-free this time…and many a black suit, jacket and trouser. London’s boy of the moment Gareth Pugh debuted his first men’s collection, yet again heavy in blacks but in a variety of textures and with plenty of emphasis on the shoulder.

If black's not your thing then there’s certainly no need to worry, the other big colour that gained plenty of representation from designers this season is grey. Again it’s another safe bet in times of crisis yet just lacks that harsh edge that can appear in the all-black looks. Whilst Prada may have started off in a very dark place it was grey that lightened the show up a bit, albeit rather briefly. Kris Van Assche tightened things up this time around, having previewed a couple of chilled-out collections the past two seasons, but this time around Van Assche was cracking the whip! With a show opening of a drumming and marching-fest there was a definite military vibe going on and a fair bit of the greys, often a trio of whole bevy of shades combined in a look, so a light grey jacket, nestling beneath a prison-grey polo neck teamed with bird-feather grey trousers, Over at Yves Saint Laurent head honcho Stefano Pilati dazzled us all with a conceptual interpretation of his collection via a film featuring Michael Pitt followed by the traditional runway show had a flurry of grey tones on wide-fitting trousers that were then pinched with leggings at the calves and on big sleeves.

Whilst there might well be a fair amount of military going on next season, check out Lanvin’s lux uniform of trousers stuffed in boots and plenty of army echoes in a green military jacket. Just don’t expect the British Army to be swapping their regulation get-up for some French Fancies anytime soon! But things got a whole lot smarter and there were plentiful bow tie and waistcoat antics to smarten things up. Bottega Veneta took a geek-chic take with tweedy suits, a natty bow tie and thick rim specs lending to an air of the Oxbridge to proceedings whilst over at D&G it was a luxury-binge, one had to wonder if Stefano and Domenico had been a-sniffing those Sharpie marker pens such was the orgy of velvets, brocades paired with florals and printed tees that finished Milan fashion week, again many a bow tie and also the aristocratic cravat snuck a peek too. The cummerbund also emerged as being a key item too, seen in a variety of guises from fair-isle knit at Burberry Prorsum to a fold in those M.C pants at Dior Homme to give the effect of one.

The shape of things to come would appear that many a belt buckle will be being done up for the winter, it was cinched waists galore at all the shows, creating a very specific shape. Whilst jackets and knits with a banded waist might appear harder to translate into everyday wearability, the easiest transition for this look into the realm of the day to day will be in the heaps of trenches and mac’s that we bore witness to throughout men’s fashion week. Dunhill’s first ever runway show under the creative genius that is Kim Jones was a particular highlight and had a couple of rainwear classics, as did Louis Vuitton and Dries Van Noten.

Traditional fashion reference points were never far away, with a fair share of fair-isle knits and last Autumn/Winters runaway success of Plaid still featuring, albeit this time around those checks will be larger in their scale and in a less zingy palettes, the browns and caramels at Bottega Veneta and rich burghandys at Comme Des Garçons. Plaid will not be going away anytime soon, it’s merely morphed itself into a new state, slightly more understated and as a final finish to an outfit as opposed to being coated into check from head to toe.

Ok, ok so we should all be looking forward to cracking out the summer staples, donning the shorts, espadrilles and heading for the beach but with a feast of collections as reported we’re all chomping at the bit to get out sticky fashion mitts on MC Pants, velvet jackets, military boots, a traditional trench, some bow-tied elegance and an overcoat we can hibernate in when it all gets too tough.

Check in soon for an update from the menswear collections at New York and London fashion weeks.

We're back!

Yes yes, we know, we've been a very naughty boy! But with fashion weeks galore..a sneaky trip to Kenya...come on we all need some sun at this time of well as a roadtrip North for some culture vulture antics the old blogging took a backseat..we're sorry we won't do it again.

So expect a lowdown on what's hot for Autumn Winter 2009 as well as some motoring madness from the Geneva motor show in March amongst other notable style statements for modern day man.

Friday 16 January 2009

Kate Mate

We were feeling a little bit slobbish at Established Man Towers yesterday so just slung on an old tee-shirt...a cheapie from the Marc Jacobs Special Items range....perhaps an old man's cardigan over the top and a pair of Levi's super-skinny 510's. We thought nothing of it at all, and by no means were we trying to win any style stakes that might have been taking place in London town yesterday.

Rather weirdly wherever we went people were interested in the tee-shirt to our total bemusement. Then the penny dropped quicker than the Pound to the Euro... the mere mention of  "Kate was papped wearing that same tee-shirt", finally dispelled the myth and with a quick google image search it would seem our friend Kate Moss was also perusing the Marc Jacobs store way-back when we snapped up our £12 bargain proclaiming "Naked Pictures". Bravo Ms. Moss, great minds clearly think alike.

Thursday 15 January 2009

As we were saying....

It was only yesterday that we were proclaiming how Liberty prints were going to be big for 2009 and here's yet another massive, great big flashing arrow that the classic British floral print is definitely a look to rock for the coming year. Our friends at Nike have jumped on the floral bandwagon and released a strain of their old-school Blazer shoe that looks more like it came out of Chelsea Flower Show as opposed to Chelsea Football Club. 

We're loving them big time. The pairing of a shoe designed in the early seventies with a fabric that might as well be associated with such an era scores a marriage made in heaven, and with a release date of Valentine's Day love is definitely in the air.

Available from Liberty, Dover Street Market and Nike Pop-Up store from 14th February

Wednesday 14 January 2009

What to wear

Dries Van Noten Spring Summer 2009

Raf Simons for Eastpak

Liberty Print

We're back; yes finally, The Established Man office seems to have had a longer break than most other workers, but hell with the weather the way its been, and we're talking sub-polar, all we've wanted to do is hibernate and step back into 1970's....we flicked the switch on that Morphy Richards Electric blanket a while ago and have been dreaming ever since of what we might all be wearing in 2009. On a recent jaunt around London town (thanks to our friends at Zipcar) the sooner the stores start dreaming like us the better..the only trend on those sales rails at this time appear dog-eared and XXXL...neither of which is a long term investment to be spending hundreds of pounds on.

Give it a couple of weeks and it will be showtime for fashionable Gent's as the runways of Milan and Paris present us with what we'll be wearing later in the year when the climate resembles something along the lines of now, hopefully minus the shroud of fog enveloping The Established Man HQ as we type this out. Of course our boy scouts on the ground will be reporting back via menswear Morse-code and we'll be whittling out the trends as they emerge, we'll choose to ignore that others in the office will be in warmer climes.... a Virgin Atlantic ticket to Nairobi arriving in the post this morning giving away a vital clue..swines!

But in the meantime here's some clues and pointers that might well emerge as one's to watch in 2009. Word on the street, or should it be Boulevard, is that Liberty prints are expected to be awash and we can't wait. As seen at Shipley & Halmos, Obedient & Son and our New York fave Steven Alan whom has purveyed the prints across shirts and boxers and whatever else he can get his talented little hands on.

The humble backpack, more commonplace in secondary schools and minibuses up and down that land, has been on the fashion radar for a while, Marc by Marc Jacobs sent them down the runway in September and Raf Simons has been collaborating with Eastpak creating rucksacks that have made us all want to whip out the text books and just take up a class just to have some vague excuse for splurging on one. With us all being as busy we are and doing a multitude of different activities in the space of a day its no surprise the backpack is due for a comeback.

Plaid, yes The Established Man is a fan, will continue as a trend but think a more intense kind of check, simpler but with stronger lines.

We're hoping that the modern day man might start to see the benefits of wearing a more tailored short...above the knee and worn with an equally as well cut jacket, as seen on many a catwalk last season, take Dries Van Noten as a cue and roll on that warm weather.

Here's to a suitably stylish 2009