Thursday 2 April 2009

Princi Charming

With London town being in a state of high alert the past few days its been a necessary thing to have a place of sanctuary. If its not the Obama's passing through Mayfair....a wait of half an hour in the cab..thanks very much....then its Sarah Brown in Covent Garden....stranded in a cafe for an hour....then there's the protesters who seem to have a rather nasty knack of hurling themselves at fast-moving traffic as The Established Man team collided head on with on yesterday duly displayed.

So with all these road-blocks, delays for passing dignitaries and heightened tensions we have spent the past three days in a row at our new favorite bakery and espresso spot Princi in the heart of Soho. Yes it might be full of media and advertising types at the peak of lunchtime but avoid that and the airy space, friendly and plentiful staff and delicious food will have you salivating like a dog on heat. We love the pistachio mouse cake, the salads, the American themed slice of, well, everything naughty! And to top it all its amazingly good value and open practically morning, noon and night. London's patisserie scene got a whole lot more nuclear.

Princi, 135 Wardour Street, W1F 0UT

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