Tuesday 24 March 2009

Mind the Gap

Those Monday nights still appear to continue to be anything but sacred it would seem. We had a night in planned with a classic Almodovar flick and some rather nifty Gap jimjams that should never be worn in daylight for fear of causing a major traffic pile-up but it was sod's law that our friends at Gap held a presentation of their Autumn Winter collection last night and we just couldn't resist a little nose to see what Patrick Robinson, their Creative Director, had been up to in the scented surroundings of the Flower Market in Covent Garden.

On first glance we thought he'd been still popping those lumberjack pills as with previous season what with those heavy knits in a host of rural-rugged patterns, a dark green plaid shirt and boots...big boots teamed with thick socks underneath, you almost need a moose in the garden and a clapped-out out Cheverolet Pick-up truck to complete this look. But it got a lot less rural and all the more urban, the tones got darker, the tailoring sharper and those boots became more subtle. A very nifty black leather jacket caught our eye...nothing like an investment piece during trouble & strife...there was also plenty of the 'DD' look that might well be back..that's Double Denim to those who aren't jean addicts. Then there were some fine winter coats being paraded about like a dressage horse strutting its stuff. A long black affair with detailing on the cuffs and all the time layered under more outerwear so cue leather and denim jackets under the more heavier coats.

After the winter we're emerging from those folks at Gap are certainly going to keep us suitably warm for the next one.


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