Friday 16 January 2009

Kate Mate

We were feeling a little bit slobbish at Established Man Towers yesterday so just slung on an old tee-shirt...a cheapie from the Marc Jacobs Special Items range....perhaps an old man's cardigan over the top and a pair of Levi's super-skinny 510's. We thought nothing of it at all, and by no means were we trying to win any style stakes that might have been taking place in London town yesterday.

Rather weirdly wherever we went people were interested in the tee-shirt to our total bemusement. Then the penny dropped quicker than the Pound to the Euro... the mere mention of  "Kate was papped wearing that same tee-shirt", finally dispelled the myth and with a quick google image search it would seem our friend Kate Moss was also perusing the Marc Jacobs store way-back when we snapped up our £12 bargain proclaiming "Naked Pictures". Bravo Ms. Moss, great minds clearly think alike.

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