Sunday 22 March 2009

Poor Form

It was with a sad face that our loyal steed for such Man about town action suffered some coughs and splutters at the beginning of the year, yes The Established Man Vespa, fondly known as Grand Tabitha had a little set back and was off the road for quite some time. We left her on the pavement hidden away whilst the Kenyan bush kept us occupied and she still has not forgiven us!

A mere youth in her scooter years she refused to start and had a loose wire and a funny this and that when the breakdown expert arrived on the scene. All this was within a frisson of being serviced previously by London scooter garage BMG who royally rippped us off when we sent our GT in for a service. Now in true style we penned a powerful letter in outrage at their uselessness and surprise surprise no reply! So two-wheeled riders beware the only thing BMG stands for is Bloody Money Grabbers!

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