Thursday 20 November 2008


The Established Man touched down finally after the NY jaunt, expect a splash of transatlantic features on the way detailing our favorite NYC hangouts and establishments. We also nipped over to Philadelphia for a while so expect a little guide to what to do there as well. Our packed flight touched down to a misty and murky London on Tuesday morning in the midst of rush hour madness and with a list of to do's the length of the bible to get through we were quietly dreading how long it would take to return to HQ and due to our gluttonous quantities of baggage the tube was not even a flicker of thought. No, a car was needed. We ditched the Addison Lee account a long time ago, what with rude staff, expensive fares and generally a steaming pile of you know what to sum up their service. We've an equal distaste for London Cabbies, it seems a black cab gives one the immediate right to break every rule in the Highway Code and treat other road users, cyclists and those on foot as second class citizens so we've not taken a cab in a long time as a protest to their outlandish attitude to London driving.

The options are wearing thin as you've probably guessed but thankfully ClimateCars came along and we've been hooked ever since. This eco-friendly car service consists of leather upholstered Prius's that roam around London filled with the days papers and a shed load of glossies for one to flick through, as well as carbon neutral mineral water to sip on whilst negotiating the M4 or any other swift little shortcut your friendly driver will have up his sleeve and they're by far one of the cheapest car services around. We're big fans and long may they continue! Regularly booked up so get in there quick!

T 0207 350 5960

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