Wednesday 12 November 2008

I'm dreaming of a bright Christmas

Those clever folks over at Topshop know how to create a stir and we're not surprised to see them at it again..damn their savvy-snappy-ness. To launch Christmas over at the newly opened monstrous Westfield Shopping Centre in White City they've commissioned British Fashion Boy of the moment, Gareth Pugh to design them a Christmas tree and in true Pugh style don't expect a Silver Fir or a Norwegian Spruce felled from the forests of Scandinavia and lightly dusted with snow. 

This is a lumberjack-free Christmas Tree. For this time around Christmas appears to be influenced by the conceptual artists of the last century so think Dan Flavin and a hint to Minimalism as you peruse those bright white fluorescent bulbs configured in the shape of a 'Nightmare at Christmas' tree. Ray Bans at the ready then.

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