Thursday 6 November 2008

Frequent Flyer

The glamour of flying was brushed of air stewardesses uniforms a while ago.It now sadly resembles a journey similar to that of a farm animal off to market but as frequent flyers that we are here at The Established Man there is only one airline of choice for our frequent to-ing and fro-ing across the Atlantic to New York and LA. British Airways was the usual staff travel choice but with Terminal 5's disastrous opening, less then friendly staff and a rather dated image Virgin has toppled their reign in our frequent flyer mileage total. 

Why? It's very simple, Virgin works...most of the time...if you have money to splurge on Upper Class it offers far more benefits than that of BA with a cheaper price tag and even in the back Premium Economy and Economy is a better bet. One is constantly well fed and watered and the staff have a cheer that BA staff lost a while ago. On every flight The Established Man team seem to get moved forward into areas of vast legroom, yesterday it was as if Wembley Stadium had appeared in front of our feet as we out splayed our limbs!

We're still not convinced by the host of business class only carriers...dwindling by the day as they cease trading... it seems Virgin is the only way to go when heading West...East is another story.

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