Tuesday 17 August 2010

South Coast Classic

August is a month for fleeing London town. The streets around The Established Man HQ are desolate to say the very least, the hoards have decamped to beaches across the world and in many respects long may they stay there, anything for some continued peace and quiet hence our slow re-engagement with blogging fully again. But that didn't stop us taking a cheeky jaunt out of town this weekend for a celebration of everything bygone at Vintage at Goodwood.

All put together rather nicely we slipped down just in time to get our groove on to Earth Wind & Fire on Saturday night and then popped back on Sunday to explore the shiny classic cars, a huge selection of vintage dealers selling, well, everything, a pop-up high street with stores more impressive than their true counterparts and have a jolly good people watch. With a distinct ease to doing anything and there being no twelve mile hikes to get to the car park or campsites this was certainly the most civilised festival we've been to and long may it continue. Top marks all round.

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