Wednesday 25 August 2010

End it NOW

Campaigns against individuals, institutions and the rest are not our style here at The Established Man but so strong are the sentiments attached to this particular subject that we couldn't not have a jolly good grumble, it would be criminal not to bearing in mind everyone we talk to is in agreement and aghast. The Evening Standard, London's very own paper continues to slide into decline, a shame as it used to be our favorite afternoon read, but now we never seem to be able to find one and when we do the utter sense of disbelief that kicks in after reading Richard Dennen's utterly shambolic column in Life & Style is enough to make us want to be illiterate.

A 'total heap of tosh' is what one friend of The Established Man called it the other day and this also arrived in our inbox... 'the single worst thing written ever written by anybody, ever'. To us its a waste of paper, ink and eclipses other writers of much more talent and wit. Neither funny or ironic, it name drops endlessly and tries to be so cool its tragic as well as being totally disrespectful to the subject it touches upon. One hopes Mr. Dennen might close his laptop, put away his pens and leave us all alone as soon as possible before the real revolt begins amongst London's evening paper readers.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more, it's excruciating
