Wednesday 13 January 2010


A rather belated Happy New Year from The Established Man and a smile to be back. Last year ended in what can only be described as a whirlwind filled with travel, the obligatory swine flu, poisoning from oysters and a waft of other such obstacles, oh and that old chestnut, needing to get out and actually earn a living. Well enough to allow us to continue to shop the Eastern promises of LIDL on a weekly basis, yet also take breakfast at the Wolseley, unsurprisingly not on a weekly basis.

As per usual we've broken every resolution we made here at The Established Man towers. Nail biting... still ongoing. Curb the chocolate and hobnob cravings daily...dream on. Early nights...a work in progress.

Much like our older posts The Established Man will continue to whisper away in its guise as a mondern day notebook for the man about town. Think of us as a little moleskin notebook filled with hand written notes of what we think is worth a nod.

The whole world continues to tweet like a blue tit in the midst of mating season but we're still abstaining for the moment...Stephen Fry has left..that's surely a sign?

1 comment:

  1. But I only just joined! Oh well fry is overated any way.
    *bang!* sound of being struck for defiling s national treasure

    keep it real dahlink, Kate Bradski
