Wednesday 13 January 2010

Down the pictures

Cold January nights haven't been, and never will be, the most alluring times to venture out and last night was no exception; good God no! But how things changed at the drop of a hat. Whilst busily tucking in to Roast chicken and potatoes to boot word went round that Two Door Cinema Club were on at White Heat at Madam Jo Jo's and The Established Man were on the list..oh what a damn fine treat.

So with the speed of a small Ecudurian mountain bird we hopped on the loyal steed that is The Established Man's Vespa and made our way into Soho. Expecting a loyal legion of teenage indie junkies, jeans so tight their blood circulation might be cause for concern there were no such antics. Heavyweight music industry types instead were order of the day, a clear sign that this is a definite band to watch for 2010.

The computers here at The Established Man HQ have been streaming their songs off myspace ever since we heard of them several months ago on a Kitsune record and it would seem word is getting round. Expect a UK tour very soon and a hefty bevvy of festival fun to come for the summer...if we ever get one! With songs like ' I Can Talk' and 'Something Good Can Work' these Northern Irish boys are the real deal.

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