Tuesday 28 October 2008

The Right Gear

Its always a treat to have a trip out of town and this weekend an invitation to the Cotswolds is not to be turned down. The thoughts of long walks amongst the autumn leaves and fresh air is enough to make anyone clamber from their desk to the nearest train destined for greener pastures. 

However one needs to be suitably clad for such jaunts away and it appears that wellington boot supplies here at The Established Man HQ have diminished significantly since the wash out that was Bestival in September; the smell in the car the other day would lead us to think they are still in the boot...or still in a field in the Isle of Wight. Either way not an option for the weekend coming!

So with a wellington boot crisis in full swing this morning there appeared to be numerous options online and in the stores. Marc Jacobs on Mount Street always have a good selection and they are ridiculously good value but they are 'fashion' wellies I am always assured when I pop in so think of them as a sort of soft-roader car as opposed to the wellington boot of choice, The Hunter, which is very much the Range Rover of the rubber boot world.

The place to purchase such highly esteemed wellies is Mole Valley Farmers, a chain of stores catering to every need one might have in the country beyond sheep dipping, I've still not quite got my head round this pastime, and hedgerow cutting, the girl on the telephone was a joy to deal with and there's a pair of hunters; cheaper than everywhere else it must be added, in the post just in time for a swift exit out of London on Friday afternoon..that's what I call service.


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