Thursday 30 October 2008

Country Gent

Image courtesy of Barbour A/W08
Image courtesy of D&G (A/W 08 Ad Campaign)
It seemed rather apt that during our lunch break today the BBC's iplayer should provide the entertainment; meanwhile Jonathan Ross was being suspended and Russell Brand was enjoying his sudden free-time no doubt. But away from Radio 2 and those now infamous telephone messages the BBC still produces some very good quality TV and what with many a supper both attended and hosted this week The Established Man missed "British Style Genius" earlier this week and needed a necessary catch up.

The subject was perfectly timed what with our trip to the country looming tomorrow afternoon, the theme this week was By Royal Appointment - The Country Look; and what a look it is, classic British fashion at its best and some of the most important British fashion and attire makers were all featured, Aquascutum, Burberry, Luella and Barbour to name but a few. What started with the Royal Family gradually transcended the fashion chain and from Sloane Ranger to Hoxton Hipster British country style can often be seen in both obvious and subtle dress statements, you only have to look at the D&G A/W08 collection and ad campaign to see the influence of dressing in the shires.

Barbour is a brand that we here at The Established Man towers love and always have done. Its an item of clothing that one seems to grow up with, many a school in this country make it clear that a Barbour is part of the uniform and from trips to the Scottish Highlands to scooting around Paris they are the best kit of the job. A recent addition in our wardrobes earlier this year was a Barbour International A7, we had to ring around the entire country to source one as every hipster worth their weight seemed to have snapped one up as seen at music festivals all summer. Thankfully our friends at Harrods were able to track one down. It really has been the perfect jacket, a more fitted Barbour with a subtle biker edge seen in the snugger fit, belted waist and angled pocket on the left breast, it harks of the outerwear Barbour designed specifically for the off road biking fraternity. It certainly gets many a comment too out an about too. A worthwhile investment.


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