Wednesday 29 October 2008

Culture Vulture

Photo: Todd White/White Cube

A trip to the East End seamlessly entails a visit to one or two galleries these days, despite many an East End gallerist deciding to up sticks to the nether regions around Oxford Street in Fitzrovia there are still galleries lined up like Mini-Marts.
White Cube triggered this migration to the East many moons ago and their large airy gallery still holds court in Hoxton Square. The current show almost seemed like a Christmas display at Harvey Nichols but on closer inspection and a quick scan of the press release there appears rather more to it. Artist Josiah McElheny has created what might appear as a mini solar system but it is in fact a play on the lighting at the Met Opera in New York..the opera he went to see can't have been that interesting then...yet it also articulates the Big Bang and society's handling of modernity.

On the other side of the square resides the latest new addition. It's so new that by the looks of things that the gallery's overly smug London Director appeared as if he had not even taken his GCSE's yet, the Sales girl we liaised with appeared like some sort of robot in her lack of ease.  Yvon Lambert keep galleries in New York and Paris so it was only natural that London should come a calling. Their airy, meandering gallery had sadly been targeted by thieves the day we popped in; not the art one must add but some rather expensive Apple Macs. It wasn't a show that had us reaching for our wallets but an interesting one all the same. Artist Carlos Amorales has created a body of work that deals with what might happen when one is lost in a major urban centre, a reoccurring dream he has himself apparently. Downstairs there is a rather harsh installation of a conurbation and upstairs appears a shattered black bird, something Eagle like about it. 

Josiah McElheny: Island Universe
Until 15th November

Carlos Amorales
Until 5th November

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