Wednesday 1 September 2010

Where the wild things go to play

We love a good bank holiday. Whilst most of this country flee our shores...bye bye thank you very much...we like to hang around. It's a nirvana, nobody is around, you can park, eat, play and not wait for anything; that is until you arrive in Reading, that less than glamorous town just west of Heathrow. We popped along for the Festival, duly popping back to our own bed each night, and despite a little precipitation it wasn't anything a fine pair of Hunters and a battered old Barbour couldn't handle.

Our favorite bands of the three day teenage mud-fest are numerous but particular nods go to Two Door Cinema Club for an amazing set in the big tent and with a mid afternoon crowd bigger than we've ever seen at a festival. Blood Red Shoe's rocked out superbly. Kele, oh he of Bloc Party fame was a star, shame it wasn't dark and at a grimy venue..even better. The Drums with their Brooklyn hipster rock were spot on and had us want to go surfing all night long. Dizzee, was, well just Dizzee, what more do you need! The Libertines took us back a few year and were still on fine form. Arcade Fire headlined on the Saturday and showed us what true professionals were after a shambolic Gun's & Rose's disaster the night a car crash it was so bad. LCD Soundsystem showered us with electro, dance mash fabulousness. Delphic kept this going and had a massive tent of underagers going for it at 4pm on a Friday afternoon..nice and Foals showed they still had it in them. Not bad for a weekend's work.

After all these musical forays thank god for a backstage cup of tea, a lovely loose green variety that came as a surprise and a brownie the size of our faces. We also bumped into the charming Alistair Guy, fashion photographer and charming man about town filming for the Channel 5 show 'Push'.

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