Monday 1 February 2010

Don't be such a tease

Those boffins at the Audi secret underground bunker in Bavaria..spoken 'Bavaaaaariaaaaaaaaaaaa' are not content with just designing a nice motor, now they're playing the joker with us. Who'd have thought that German car designers had a sense of humour? But they've been having a wail of a time of late with all their teaser videos on YouTube of the soon to be released A1. Think of it as Audi's answer the the Mini and the oompa lumpaa's at Audi might be the car equivalent to Edna from The Incredibles with all their hush hush talk and darkened lighting.

We're all up for being teased but we've already seen the car they talk of so secretly and light so carefully so to only highlight its flanks. Justin Timberlake was papped filming his commercial as the Ambassador for the Audi A1. We won't be opting for the wasabi green interior trim Audi seem to be very proud of and we're not convinced by their current obsession with 'running lights'. Yes they might mean little Hubert see's Mummy in her Q7 outside Hill House at school pick-up time but there's an element of Chav's on a night out at your local B&Q car park for some tyre burning. Not something most A4 Estate drivers will be doing anytime soon surely...unless our fathers have taken up a new pastime beyond shooting and reading the Racing Post?

Final judgement on the A1 can only be passed when we see it in the flesh and get let loose in one but for the moment we have our reservations on boot space and image, who will buy this car? The motor of choice and Established Man stablemate is a filth covered A3 that has done us proud for years. It's the sort of car one can pull up outside Scotts and Sean the Doorman will greet you and happily park yet after your slap up fish supper you can tootle off to that party in Hackney between a crack den and a whore house and it will sit happily amongst the delights of the East End attracting no unecessary attention. If the A1 can prove itself we're in but for the meantime we're sticking with 2 notches higher.

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