Sunday 10 May 2009

We're back

Where we went we don't quite know..put it down to a chaotic Easter and a need to hibernate but The Established Man team have returned and the office as fresh as a Spring Day...with summer on the way the diaries are filling up, our passports are clutched, ready and waiting, for a flight to who knows where and of course all our top tips will be carefully filtered and placed on The Established Man blog.

This week we're all over the country...Monday in Manchester..Tuesday in London town and then the end of the week we travel to Brighton for some seaside action and The Great Escape Festival, check in here for constant updates on our journeys and what bands you really need to check out from the moshpits of Brighton's venues...we're sure we're getting to old for this sort of antics but for as long as those skinny jeans fit we're there.