Thursday 11 December 2008

Back in 5

Oh dear, the post bag here at The Established Man HQ is larger than a sack full of mail on it's way to a certain Mr. S.Claus, we're struggling with Christmas Party overload and our nearest and dearest feeling the need that they simply must see everyone before the 25th December or otherwise.....otherwise you just see them in crazy fools. 

Our new diet consists of various vitamin supplements, gallons of green tea, Evian grabbed in the back of taxis and apples eaten on the way to wherever it might be....and thank GOD for the Worthers Original we discovered in the glove box of the trusty staff Audi last night..sugar rush all the way! And in no way, shape, or form do we consume any alcohol...that is Christmas Party suicide! You're done for...just think LA all the way..Elderflower and Soda is a our favored tipple.

Yes, silly season is here and we are, of course persevering, but beneath a layer of Uniqlo's finest Mongolian cashmere struggling at the same time. Time for bed is around 3am, meetings at 8am are not exactly a good combo regardless if its breakfast at Cecconi's or not! The idea of hopping around town on a freezing December night to a mixture of drinks, dinners and parties is enough to make the entire office here hide under the desk and take shelter from impending invitation overload, we're done mentally with it all..roll on Welsh Blankets and tea..but in reality there is still two weeks left of this madness and we want out ASAP!

So expect a trickling of new posts until the New Year, we're simply just never here, and despite loving the plethora of Blackberry Bold's and Storm's that have swept through the office like an electronic secret Santa-mash-up they are not ideal for writing articles and blog posts during a caught moment sitting in the traffic on the M40 back from a day in the Cotswold's!

So happy holidays people...we will be soon as we've recovered!